Saturday 10 October 2009

Mario wishes me a happy belated birthday :)


Original Video - More videos at TinyPic


Trey Songz Blowing me kisses :)


Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Thanks Trey!!

Monday 27 July 2009

What could it beeeee?


Stay tuned to find out more!

Saturday 25 July 2009



Greeeeattt successss :)

Every Man For Himself`

My two hour journey home from Neasden today just confirmed my number one reason for hating life in this city. It is every man for himself.

So I started out at Bow Church with my 8 year old sister and 6 year old brother and boarded the 25 (bendy bus) to Mile End Station. Ask me if anyone offered them a seat. We got off at Mile End with people stepping over the small children/knocking them out of the way in order to get off the bus first, to catch the Westbound Central Line service to Oxford Circus. It took 2 stops down the line to Liverpool Street for anyone to realise we'd been standing directly in front of them and Michael and Marika falling left, right and centre everytime the train moved, for someone to reluctantly offer them a seat. Believe I took it, even though neither them actually wanted to sit. So we got off at Oxford Circus (again being barged out of the way because people were in SUCH a hurry to god knows where) and made our way over to the Bakerloo line to get to Baker Street to catch our rail replacement bus. We board the bus and have to stand towards the front (you know where the shopping holder thingy is) for some idiotic Polish dude to come and literally stand ON me, blocking my view of the children.

Through all of our trials and tribulations, we eventually made it to Neasden station, where I said my goodbyes and began my epic journey home. Now, as you can imagine, being child-less on the return journey, thingsa became a LOT harder as my 5'3 self was pushed and shoved all the way to and down every single escalator and on every single underground platform. I was pushed and shobved out of the door way of every single bus even BEFORE it had stopped at the bus stop and it made me realise that no matter how polite you are yourself, how young you are and how many limbs you have hanging off means NOTHING to a Londoner in a 'hurry'.

And this was on a weekend.


Friday 24 July 2009

Mr Kipling Chocolate Slices


Now I'm not at allll one for chocolate but I saw these in Tesco yesterday and had to pick up a box.

They are AMAZING. A little moist at first, but I'm thinking it's cause I had them packed with frozen food, but the moist cake consistency is just right and the chocolate generoous amount of chips to die for.

Unfortunately it took me less that 24 hours to consume a packet of 6, so they no longer exist in this household.

The box just makes my mouth water.

Scuba Diving Chihuahua


Made me chuckle


My cat just sneezed on me.

Could this be the beginning of Cat Flu?


I attempt to show off the command I've been teaching my kitten...

Take one

Take two

Take threeeee

He did it on purpose!

Sunday 19 July 2009

Hayao Miyazaki Movies


I sat down to watch this with my boyfriend about half a year ago and I must say, it was quite impressive. A story about a girl who has just moved into a new house with her parents and they discover ghost town, in which her parents come to become held captive and the little girl ends up discovering an ancient wash-house full of spirits. After becoming a prisoner of the bath-house, the little girl is in a race against time to escape and free her parents and break a spell, placed on a young boy, Haku.

I love the visuals in this animation, as they are both enchanting, out of the ordinary and rich in vibrant colours - something I like to see when watching cartoons.

What I liked even more, was the story, which was anything but your average. Based heavily on Myths and folktale, Spirited Away is a fun, yet intelletually complicated Masterpiece, which makes the cartoon both spell-binding, yet something to learn from.
Following on from this, (again, better late than never) we decided to watch this, today, which I didn't enjoy as much as Spirited Away, but still enjoyed it none-the-less. In this movie, we see the same urban-legend oriented plot, with a young girl in possession of a Crystal necklace that everybody is after her for. Whilst on the run with her new found friend, she later discovers she is the heir to the throne of the 'mythical' Laputa - Castle in the sky. She learns that the crystal contains great powers and if it falls into the wrong hands, is capable of a lot of destruction. This, is a race against time to keep the army, with evil motives from capturing the crystal, locating Laputa and using it for great evil.

Whilst I found the plot engaging and enjoyable, the fact that Spirited away was more magical, meant that this movie was not a 10/10 for me.

I still have about 3 more of these to watch and am pretty sure I will be doing so very soon

Cat Stuff


Highly, higly recommended for anyone that owns or is looking to own a cat or a kitten. Of all the fancy websites/manuals I've read through over the past couple of months, this simple, yet effective one HAS to have been the most useful and most inportantly the most enjoyable read.

Check it out


Some Fallout 3 raider Kier and I saw at Clapton Station :)





Saturday 18 July 2009

THE most classicest thing ever




Ahhhhh where shall I start? Well, the beginning sounds about right so here goes. Having seen Borat for the first time about 4 months ago, the second time the next day and the 60th time about 3 weeks ago, upon hearing about this new project I had convinced myself that Sacha's next installment would probably do great things, but would have to do A LOT to top Borat. But, do a lot it did not. Apart from being amazed once again by Sacha's capacity to shock, there wasn't THAT much more the film had to offer.

So, here ends my 'review'

(Writer's block is a bitch)

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme


Today, Kayla thinks..


You all should go and check out Kier's blog :)


NOTE: Link doesn't actually work if you click it, you gottta copy and paste/type it into your address bar manually!!!

Tuesday 14 July 2009

New Hair

So I woke up on Friday, checked my Facebook and decided that it was THE day to style myself up for my birthday that is in 2 and a half weeks =D's the result

IMO it's a bit toooo long and could do with a bit more body, but I'm quite-a-liking the fringe

Transformers 2


Due to the fact that I had the misfortune of going to see this about a month ago, you could say I'm a liiiittle late in churning out this review, but hey, a girl's gotta say what a girl's gotta say.

Put quite simply,Transformers 2 and the reception it has got from the majority (it seems), is a 2 hour documentary of what is fundementally wrong with society- take something bland, empty, pointless, meaningless and slighty racist (had to add that one =D) and dress it up, make it fancy and most importantly, sexually appealing and you've got something everyone loves. I say this because no matter how much I go on about the fact that the Da Vinci code-esque plot was MINDNUMBINGLY stupid; no matter how much I go on about that fact that we constantly see big, fat massive robots throwing each other around, sending cars flying and wrecking ten-hundred storey buildings, the only person that manages to get himself a paper cut of a scratch is Shia La Boeuff and no mater how much I go on about how exactly this movie has made black people out to be meaningless, aggressive and PRATTISH, people will always reply with 'oh but the effects were amaaaaaaazing.'

Yeah, and Hitler's moustache was pretty cool...

Friday 10 July 2009

All Men Are Dogs

Morning all,

Woke up to check my Facebook (as you do) and one of the first things I come across is the lovely little video here. Now my first instinct was, oh god, not another bitch fit, as the title does suggest it is going to be, but is pleasantly surprised to find that she actually had something DIFFERENT to say. Well, when I say different, I mean different from what you usually hear. What she is saying, is nothing new to me but it was a refreshing one none the less. She makes some very strong points that I think a lot of girls/women need to take note of and personally address but every point she DOES make seems to be based on material goods/physical appearances. In my opinion you could BE at that financially stable place in your life, be driving the car you want, be as fit/toned as you want/love god with ALL the love in your heart but you could still come across that 'fitting' guy that then goes and f*cks you over emotionally.

All is NOT fair in love and war.

Anyway, have a watch, I can assure you it'll be a pretty decent one

Jeremih Album


I jumped on this baby the second I heard news that it was out and after watching MJ's memorial, I played it through. It's one of those albums that need a couple of plays through to grow on me, so it's no as amazing and instantly likeable as his debut single 'Birthday sex' but it wasn't bad either. A lot of the songs are sounding quite similar though and at the moment, I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. One song that I do like and have played through a few times is 'Raindrops', which kinda reminds me of a Dream and Tricky piece.

Download Here


Thursday 9 July 2009

Today's weather will be...


Stolen from the wonderful Sam-Jam.

I think it pretty much speaks for itself :)

Mass Effect


So I go out and buy this a few weeks back, partly because I have been meaning to for ages and partly because I was under the impression it would be a love at first play, kinda like the experience I had with Fallout 3 late last year. Did my dreams come true? Not quite. I can see this game has a lot of potential and only playing through about 3 hours of it so far could be why. I throw it in and begin designing my own character that I want to look as much like me as possible (as you do) and once I've fiddled around with cheek sizes, eyebrow curves and lip thicknesses for around 15 mins, I embark on my epic (or so I'm told it will be) journey to become a big, strong Spectre. After sitting through about an hours worth of dialogue and being plonked on a ship, that doesn't look like a ship but more like a park, called Citadel, I start to hope that the game will pick up a bit. It doesn't. I don't know, maybe it's just me, or maybe I need to play through a little more to get to the juicy stuff.

It has kinda damped my spirits for the forthcoming Mass Effect 2, that I hoped to pick up later this year.

Miss Caroline xoxo


T-Shirt - Cover

I love this song anyway, but I'd say her rendition of it tops the original, so I delve deeper and look at few more of this duo's pieces and find that they're probably the best act I've come across on YouTube so far. Here are a few more of their covers.

Disturbia Cover

My Boo - Cover

I hope you enjoy listening as much as I do.

Oops...Something went wrong


Facebook need to stop this already.

Strawberries and Creme


So I'm walking down Euston road St Pancras after picking up my lil cousin from the train station and we realise we're on the wrong side of the road for the bus that goes in the direction back to my house (as you do) and we cross over to get the the other side :) Anywhooo, we bump into a woman outside starbucks handing out cups of Frappuccino (i didn't know this at the time) and we each take one, say our thank yous and walk off in the sweltering heat. When I tell you this is THE most beautiful beverage I have ever tasted in my entire 19 years. It was not too sweet, not too overpowering, it was JUST PERFECT. I have vowed that once pay day comes (tomorrow) I will treat myself to one of these beauties.

Be sure to hook your tastebuds up with one too :)

'The Lost Symbol' Cover Art


It's here! It's Finally Here! The cover art for Dan Brown's next installment 'The Lost symbol', which is due for release on September 19th. I must say, when I went into Waterstones a few months back to pick up 'Digital Fortress' the one Dan Brown title I had left to read, I really and truly COULD NOT CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT at the fact that he had announced a brand new book. I follow what he is up to regularly, as I am a fan of his Facebook page and a couple of days ago he reveled this, which is the official cover art. Now, according to the Times online 'Details of the plot are likely to remain fiercely guarded until much nearer the publication date of September 15' and to me, this make it even MORE exciting!!! I'm lovin' the cover art though, Mr Brown.


These guys are amaaaazing. Like amazing AM-AZING. Ever since I stumbled across them a couple of months back I've been hooked. I've actually lost count on the amount of times I've watched their vids. They work soooo well as a group it's unreal. Their melodies are breathtaking and voices so damn heaven-sent. They tend to cover other big hits than come out with their own stuff it seems but I have had a listen to the album myself and it is pretty darn good if I must say so myself.

Check out their cover of 'Beyonce - Halo' right here :)

To 'lol' or not to 'lol'


So I'm skimming through a long list of Facebook status updates (as you do on a Thursday afternoon) and one guy on my list tells his fellow bookers that he will no longer 'lol' at anything unless he finds it funny. Me being me, I had to let him know that I, Michaela Lianne Reid-Thomas have tried this and failed, miserably :) Why? Because, simply put, it's all about online ettiquette. Him, along with many others (including my former self) automatically assume that to put respond to someone with a 'lol' means you must literally be 'laughing out loud'. No, most of the time we are not, the person we are talking to probably knows we are not but it lets them know that we understand and sympathise. Body language and facial expressions can not be seen and read through a computer screen and that little 'lol' is probably, believe it or not, the most important part of what you actually have to say.

Kayla's Lol Dictionary. (What 'lol' to use and when for the uncertain lollers)

*lol - Must Always be used when what you're saying COULD be perceived as rude, whether or not you are actually laughing

*LOOOL/(big) LMAO- To be used when something makes you smile or smirk, maybe even giggle a little

*(little) lmao - Used to show that you understand a witty/sarcastic remark (one you are not offended by).


Happy lolling, lollers :)

Farewell Michael Jackson


Despite the fact this is a couple of days late, here are a few words for Michael.

When I saw the advert for this on TV last night, I almost thought I’d end up forgetting to watch it, because that’s what I’m like with events like this. I always have the intention of watching/attending them but never actually ‘get round to doing so’. So at about 6pm I sat down to watch what will probably be –hands down- one of the most watched/most moving events of the year, if not decade.
As I was pretty late in doing so (better late than never I say =)) I managed to catch the beginning of Mariah’s performance, which, if I must say so myself, was a below average Mariah performance. So much so that I swiftly had to remind myself that it’s not for her, it’s not for her fans, it’s for Michael Jackson, which I think is probably THE most important thing here. When I heard that certain stars would be performing, I half expected this to be a huge exploitation of their own talents and was more than delighted when it turned out that it actually wasn’t. Usher’s performance was amazing, Stevie’s mind-blowing and Jennifer Hudson’s spectacular but not once did I have to be reminded that it wasn’t a celebration of what they can and are able to continue delivering to us musically, but a celebration of what MICHAEL has given us and more importantly a celebration of his life. I even had to stand up and give a genuine round of applause for Little Shaheen because it wasn’t for him – it was for Michael. By the time Paris’s short but sweet speech came around, I’d probably cried about a thousand tears for Michael but nothing I’d seen tonight had been as touching as that little girl’s one line.

When it came to the speeches, I was swiftly reminded of what MY people have done and continue to do for me, in spite of all the negative publicity we constantly receive from the media and also as a result of those who fall victim to it. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee reminded me that although we may have to work that little bit harder to be accepted, it is achievable; Rev Al Sharpton’s “there was nothing strange about your daddy, what was strange was the things your daddy had to deal with” reminded me that despite all the controversy surrounding him, not once did he have a bad word to say about ANYBODY, not even those that practically dug his grave and laid the dry, wilted flowers on top, and that is something only a man as pure as himself can achieve. It reminds me that the way majority views things, the way the majority go about their lives and the ideals that the majority possess may not actually be the things that are right and the only things that matter, so thank you Michael for reminding me of this.

One of the things that stood out the most for me, was the performance with the religious symbols on the screen behind the singers. Now as many may or may not know, religion is a BIG no no for me but I can honestly say that this is one of the rare times that I’ve looked upon it positively, the reason being not ONE religion monopolised, all were seen as equal, the one thing that religion is supposed to teach and stand for, but never does – equality. So again, thank you Michael.

Many will argue that it’s wrong for this event to be broadcasted across every medium possible and that he is not the only person that should be remembered on this day, people die every day, no one knew him personally and he’s not even family to most people. Well, since when did you have to share the same blood as someone to be able to call them family? Since when did you have to know someone personally to be able to feel that they’ve made a huge impact on your life and perhaps made you a better person as a result of that? Yes other people died on these days, yes it is the anniversary of the July Bombings but what is stopping people recognising and remembering all of these things at once?
Finally, I write this with no intention of sparking a debate on what Michael did or didn’t do or whether he was innocent or guilty for whatever charges were brought against him, but what I will say is this. Noone can argue that he hasn’t or is not at this very moment bringing the world together in some way or another because whether people are saying good or bad things about him, his name is on EVERYBODY’S lips, and that is something.

Rest in Peace MJ, you will be missed by many.